There are a lot of people who stay unsuccessful or have alternating experiences with success and failure, simply because they do not know how to apply the right time management techniques. Here are four techniques you can use to manage your time by prioritizing your tasks:
1. ABC analysis
With ABC analysis, what you need to do is simply categorize the urgency or importance of your tasks. For example: A for your most important and urgent task, B for your important but not urgent tasks, and C for not important tasks (which you can remove from your to-do-lists)
2. Pareto analysis (20/80 rule)
I'm sure you've heard this before.
You only wear 20% of all your clothes, and earn the most from 20% of your customers.
In the latter case, to be able to earn big profits, all you do is focusing on the 20%.
In time management, you can do 80% of your tasks with 20% of your time. Therefore, prioritize your tasks and focus 20% of your time on those that are important the most.
3. POSEC (Prioritize by Organizing, Streamlining, Economizing and Contributing)
You can do the following with this technique:
Prioritize your time and set goals in your life.
Organize the things you should accomplish so you can succeed.
Streamline or make more efficient of the things you must do, even though you don't like it at all.
Economize or cut down on the things you should or like to do, but not really urgent.
Contribute by doing the other things that make a difference.
4. The Eisenhower Method
The way how to do this is basically the same as the ABC analysis. The Eisenhower method also looks like Kiyosaki's Cashflow Quadrants, and it is not complicated.
What you need to do is categorize your tasks as important/unimportant and urgent/not urgent and put in according quadrants. Tasks in unimportant/not urgent quadrant are eliminated, tasks in important/urgent quadrant are done right away, while tasks in unimportant/urgent are delegated and tasks in important/not urgent get an end date and are done personally (set the date and spend quality time).
1. ABC analysis
With ABC analysis, what you need to do is simply categorize the urgency or importance of your tasks. For example: A for your most important and urgent task, B for your important but not urgent tasks, and C for not important tasks (which you can remove from your to-do-lists)
2. Pareto analysis (20/80 rule)
I'm sure you've heard this before.
You only wear 20% of all your clothes, and earn the most from 20% of your customers.
In the latter case, to be able to earn big profits, all you do is focusing on the 20%.
In time management, you can do 80% of your tasks with 20% of your time. Therefore, prioritize your tasks and focus 20% of your time on those that are important the most.
3. POSEC (Prioritize by Organizing, Streamlining, Economizing and Contributing)
You can do the following with this technique:
Prioritize your time and set goals in your life.
Organize the things you should accomplish so you can succeed.
Streamline or make more efficient of the things you must do, even though you don't like it at all.
Economize or cut down on the things you should or like to do, but not really urgent.
Contribute by doing the other things that make a difference.
4. The Eisenhower Method
The way how to do this is basically the same as the ABC analysis. The Eisenhower method also looks like Kiyosaki's Cashflow Quadrants, and it is not complicated.
What you need to do is categorize your tasks as important/unimportant and urgent/not urgent and put in according quadrants. Tasks in unimportant/not urgent quadrant are eliminated, tasks in important/urgent quadrant are done right away, while tasks in unimportant/urgent are delegated and tasks in important/not urgent get an end date and are done personally (set the date and spend quality time).
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